Q. A physicist on the radio said that religious belief evolved in our brains. Religion or belief in God isn’t really a fact. We are just genetically predisposed to think there is a God. What is that all about? Do you know?
The physicist is referring to a fairly new study known as neuro-theology – a study of the neural processes in the brain that result in spiritual experiences. Alleged religious experiences occur in a section of the brain called the “posterior superior parietal lobe” which helps us define where we stop and the world begins. It seems that Buddhist monks and Franciscan nuns in trancelike states have a marked reduction in activity in this part of the brain.
Neurotheology Books
Several books have been written about neurotheology. Here are a few of their titles:
The God Part of the Brain – A Scientific Interpretation of Human Spirituality and God
The Hidden Face of God – How Science Reveals the Ultimate Truth
Where God Lives in the Human Brain
Why God Won’t Go Away – Brain Science and the Biology of Belief
Genetic Wiring to Cope with Futility?
The authors postulate that the human brain has been genetically wired to believe in God or various religious beliefs. It encompasses such experiences as oneness with the universe, ecstatic trances, altered states, and so on. Evolutionists feel that the brain evolved like this in order to help men cope with the futility of death.
Pure Evil
In our opinion this is mankind’s pathetic attempt to explain away his religious beliefs and thoughts to “biochemical impulses.” We may want to consider that this so-called explanation is probably due to pure, satanic evil!
But, here is something else to consider. Surprisingly, evolutionists actually don’t take their beliefs in our biochemical impulses far enough.
That is because not only is there proof we are incredibly complex machines – but our entire lives are part of an elaborate digital simulation according to quantum physicists!
Elaborate Digital Simulation
Before you feel insulted, consider that the Bible has said our reality isn’t all there is – all along. It has always hinted that we are part of a temporary, dull reality which looks forward to something greater. It says that we see things in a mirror dimly (1 Cor. 13:12), our religious rituals are only a shadow of things to come (Col. 2:17), and we are just a vapor that appears and disappears quickly (James 4:14).
True Reality
It is not until we are resurrected that we will see things clearly in vivid reality. Then we will see and live in a new universe, on a new earth, in a stunningly beautiful space-city called the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21 & 22). This is the “true” reality. Our current lives are just a dull mirror reflecting better things ahead of us.
Hardwired for Judgment
But, also surprisingly, there is “truth” in the physicist’s belief that we are just “hardwired” for belief. The apostle Paul tells us we already have the law in our hearts. He explains that none of us have an excuse for unbelief in our Creator.
For example, Romans 1:19 states, “that which is known about God is evident within them. For God made it evident to them.”
Romans 2:14-16 states it even more clearly:
“for when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves, in that they show the works of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus.”
Brain Scans?
In other words, the unbeliever’s own thoughts will eventually accuse him or defend him before God at the judgment after his life on earth is over. (It will not surprise me if this is due to extremely accurate brain-imaging and mapping). We will learn that we were indeed “hardwired” to believe in God, and we chose to disobey Him!
May the Lord help those who find themselves resurrected liked shocked, cloned animals standing before Yeshua helplessly as their brains reveal all of their sins on Judgment Day! Believe it.
As for me and you, “Beam us up Lord. We’re ready to live in New Jerusalem” (1 Thess. 4:17).
Artwork Copyright by Duncan Long, used with permission. View his stunning gallery! http://duncanlong.com/art/christian_artwork/index.html.
Neurotheology. Available from: www.wikipedia.org. Neurotheology
Begley, Sharon. 2001. Searching for God within. Newsweek Magazine. 29 January. Available from: www.rickross.com.
Lattin, Don. 2001. Neuro-theology takes some divine introspection. Available from: www.sfgate.com. Sunday, 27 May.
Authors Valorie Emilio holds an MA in History from UCLA. Ken received a BS from CSULB and an MA in Biblical Studies from Louisiana Baptist University.