News and Views

Q. My son and daughter were devastated when our pet died, and so was I. I honestly don't know what to believe about pets in heaven. Do you?
"For they have conspired with one mind - they form an alliance against You - the tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and the Hagrites, Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek, Philistia with the inhabitant of Tyre. Even Assyria has joined
Once again the whole world is focused on the Holy Land! Here are some answers to questions we are frequently asked: Where did the name "Palestine" come from? Hezbollah? Hamas? Oslo Accords?
Who and what are the spiritual forces of evil the apostle Paul says we are fighting today in Eph. 6:12? Where do they come from and what is their purpose?
Is "fiat" money mentioned in the Bible? If it is what does it say about it? Why are other countries putting a lot of their currency & dollar holdings into oil, silver & gold, like China? Opinions?
It was authored by Judge Roy Moore, the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama. He is the judge who refused to remove the Ten Commandments from his court room. _____________
The Florida Department of Health has Boldly Recommended Against the COVID Booster for People Under 65 years old, Citing the Lack of Clinical Data. Watch this outstanding video on The Highwire with Del Bigtree.
Economist Martin Armstrong gives a two minute read that speaks hours on the issue of the Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). It is all about the Control of Revelation chapter 13.