Children Endangered by Gospel?
There’s a view that Christian organizations harm children by exposing them to ideas of sin and the need of a savior. Skeptics believe that concepts of hell and damnation are “dark” antiquated messages filling children with fear and shame. Children are robbed of innocence and indoctrinated with fearful thoughts of deserving to die and spending an eternity in hell. In this atmosphere children develop a negative self-image and aversion to critical thinking.
Yet, at the same time many atheists rant against those who dare to believe in God when there is so much evil and suffering in the world. How can Christians be so gullible? Who would be so foolish as to think there is a God when we live in a world polluted by wars, murder, genocide, suffering, sickness and evil?
Is it possible that there is a “disconnect” here? I don’t think we can have it both ways. If children are so pure and innocent why should they grow up to become people inclined toward evil who are engaged in wars or genocide? What happens to them (besides being exposed to godless views that devalue human life)? Is there something within them that causes them to change over time?
Besides, I don’t believe anyone would disagree with the fact that most children are selfish and narcissistic to begin with. That’s partly what makes them “childish.” Responsible, loving parents work for years to teach their children how to be compassionate, caring beings.
Yet, rather than face the truth about the human condition, a number of atheists want to believe in the “Noble Savage,” embracing the idea that mankind is good in his natural state. So why do most children grow up to become rather flawed creatures who may cause chaos and mayhem no matter what culture they come from? Look at the history of North Korea, China, the Middle East or Russia, for example. It seems that rather than Christian evangelists filling children with fear or thoughts of man’s sinfulness, the Christian worldview is instead the shockingly realistic one.
Myth of Noble Savage
Yes, Jesus said to let the children come to Him because the kingdom is made up of people like them (Matt. 19:14). Children tend to be trusting and loving and the Kingdom will be filled with goodness. But, no, the world is not a nice place right now. It is clearly a planet beset with wars, murder, genocide, suffering, sickness and evil. The atheists got it right in that sense.
The world’s woes are at least partly due to the flawed, sinful character and behavior of ill-intentioned men. For that reason the myth of the “Noble Savage” died out centuries ago. There is no such thing as pristine innocence inherent in mankind. Instead, the heart of man is “more deceitful than anything else and desperately sick…” (Jeremiah 17:9). That includes young boys and girls.
Here is a dose of realism:
Humans are “full of envy, murder, disputes, deceit, and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, arrogant, proud, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving and unmerciful. Although they know full well God’s just sentence – that those who practice such things deserve to die – they not only do them, but even applaud others who practice them” (Romans 1:29-32, HCSB).
There are lots of bad things that happen to people here on earth at the hands of evil men. But, in addition to the effects of mankind’s sinful nature, we live in a hostile world where earthquakes, tsunamis and violent storms take thousands of lives each decade.
Terraforming a New Earth
Surely things are not the way they should be. Most people will agree to that. We know deep down that things are just not right. It makes it even more imperative that we need outside help, preferably from outside of our own planet. We can’t fix things by ourselves.
We don’t know how to “terraform” the entire planet by ourselves, for instance. That belongs to the science fiction writers. Nor do we have the capabilities to create superior human bodies that won’t be susceptible to illness or death. We can’t yet breed babies with naturally unselfish, caring, kind character traits. Nor can we create humans with superior intellects who will place other’s needs above their own. Hitler’s attempt to create a master Aryan race was a grotesque example of that.
Planetary Salvation
In light of this most people can see that salvation of the human soul, the fleshly body and the physical earth must come from someone far superior to ourselves. But, in fact such a Being has already visited our planet and told us what we need to know:
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16, NASB). Those who trust in God’s Son will actually live to see the formation of “a new heaven and a new earth” (Rev. 21:1).
Pristine New Earth with Fun Loving Animals
Can you imagine? There will be no greater joy than when our bodies and minds are transformed into Christ like, eternal beings who will live peacefully on a pristine, beautiful new earth filled with delightful, fun loving animals! (Isa.11:6-9; 65:25; 1 Cor. 15:51-55). Here is where the “Noble Savage” becomes a reality.
That is why we seek to evangelize children and anyone else who has the chance to hear such a wonderful message. It is the kindest, most realistic thing we can do for any human being. It’s joyful, life-changing news. In fact, your future life depends on it.