Cloning, Physics, Information Tech & DNA
Used to Resurrect Life Forms?
Q. Is cloning life forms from DNA and the use of information technology like “resurrecting” human beings? Do you think God could “clone” us back to life in the resurrection? Or could the Lord use Information Technology to recreate us? I’ve read some of your articles and am interested in your thoughts about the use of modern sciences resulting in a type of resurrection.
No one knows if God will use cloning techniques to resurrect us – or if He will use some other process. Only God knows. He can speak the Word and it can happen instantly. But, whatever method is used we do know it will occur in a nano-second and it will change our genetic makeup (see 1 Cor. 15:52). …”in the twinkling of an eye…the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.”
However, there are some interesting theories circulating through Christian scientific communities regarding ideas about resurrection. You might be interested in some of these.
For instance, Frank Tipler, Ph.D., a noted physics professor at Tulane University, thinks that there must be genes for original sin. He theorizes that Mary’s pregnancy was a rare type of parthenogenesis – or a birth that lacks male fertilization of a female egg.
Therefore, he concludes that Jesus was born without the genes for sin. Dr. Tipler believes this is possible because parthenogenesis has already occurred in some vertebrates such as snakes or lizards where females give birth without the male reptilian father. Thus, he thinks it may be possible in humans, too – at least in this one case.
Tipler thinks that a sinless birth is partially what gave Yeshua supernatural abilities such as the ability to heal others and to rise from the dead, and to die for humans as a sinless “lamb without blemish.”
In Tipler’s book, The Physics of Christianity, a type of quantum mechanics is presented that bolsters the idea of a multiverse that contains duplicates of all human beings including you and me.
In support of the idea of others worlds Tipler notes that Jesus said his kingdom was “not of this world” (John 18:36), implicitly suggesting a type of multi-universe. In fact, Tipler believes that Jesus transferred or dematerialized into neutrinos back to the other world from which he came. In other words, Jesus used natural laws of physics to dematerialize, resurrect himself, and do other things that seem miraculous to human beings.
Downloading Souls
Regarding better worlds, Tipler believes that within less than fifty years computers will surpass the intelligence of humans. Our organic brains will be replaced by computer simulations as we move toward what he calls the “Omega Point.”
At the Omega Point humans will be able to download our “souls” or software into computer generated universes. “AI” or artificial intelligence is a “program rather than a computer, just as a human being is not a brain but a soul…” (Tipler 2007, 70). In effect, this is a virtual-reality heaven.
Far-Out Physics
I realize that Tipler’s views seem far-out and unconventional to many critics. He appears to embrace a form of Roman Catholic universalism combined with strange ideas of physics – perhaps only understood by other physicists.
Some even conclude that Tipler isn’t a true Christian. However, I have read his latest book and feel that he clearly accepts Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior who died for his sins (2007, p. 266-271). His belief structure is rooted enough in the core gospel account of 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 to convince me that he is a Christian brother.
Internet not inside Computer
There are some good reasons not to completely throw-out Dr. Frank Tipler’s ideas or those of like-minded scientists who explore physics, information technology and the biological processes of
DNA and cloning.
For instance, start with this. Remember that when you turn on your laptop computer to go online, you won’t find the “internet” inside your computer box. Rather, the box decodes the electronic information into print for you to read. Think in terms of the body and brain housing one’s “soul” and thoughts.
In the same way when you turn on your radio, the voices or music does not come from the box itself. Instead, the radio contains circuits and hardware which decode the radio waves into audible sounds.
The voice we hear over the telephone does not come from the plastic telephone. The phone and receiver contain electronic circuitry which decodes electronic information so that we hear the sound.
Disconnected Info
When we turn off the T.V. or radio or computer, the reception we hear or see disappears. But, that does not mean the radio waves or electronic images go away.
They are still there bombarding us daily within electromagnetic fields around us. They travel through buildings, cars, and bodies all the time – day and night. The connection to decode them may be gone. But, you can establish that connection again by using another computer, radio, phone, or T.V.
Neurologists Connect Brain to Computer Box
Neurologists and quantum physicists say that our brain functions similar to a combination of a T.V., television camera, radio, and computer in just one container, our brains. Our brains, in a manner similar to the T.V. set, receive electromagnetic waves and decode them into images and sound.
In addition, we are also like the television camera which, in turn, transforms images and sound into electromagnetic waves. All of this electromagnetic radiation holds the information. But, we can only perceive it or understand it when it is decoded through the brain just as it is through a T.V., computer, or radio.
We are actually Software!
Our consciousness and memories which have evolved during our lifetimes exist around us in electromagnetic fields. They become available to our conscious state through the organic electronic circuitry and hardware which exists in our brains and bodies. In other words, we are “software.”
The Information is still Out There
Therefore, when our bodies die, the information is still out there. The electromagnetic fields are still there. They just don’t have their own individual brains and bodies to work in. The receptivity is lost and the connection is interrupted, but the information is still there waiting for a new box – whether a computer, radio, or tailor-made brain and body to house your “information” and consciousness.
We are due for an Upgrade
Dr. Chuck Missler suggests that the whole point of 1 Corinthians chapter 15 is to tell us that all believers are due for an “upgrade” – complete with a new box for our fantastic improved software! This is not far off from what Dr. Tipler proposes. Don’t you agree?
Not all of us will die, but we will all be transformed…the Christians who have died will be raised with transformed bodies. And then we who are living will be transformed so that we will never die (1 Cor. 15:51-53, NLT).
Matter & Energy neither Created nor Destroyed
Even after we die and are technically “brain dead,” the information is still out there in electromagnetic fields. It hasn’t disappeared into nothingness. This is partly what is meant by the scientific law specifying that “matter and energy can be neither created nor destroyed.”
A Digital-Simulation Universe
Dr. Missler says it this way,
The field of particle physics has totally altered our conceptions of reality. Scientists now tell us that the universe is a digital simulation within a much larger reality and consists of at least ten dimensions.
Some investigators believe that much of what we call ‘paranormal phenomena’ is simply transdimensional episodes within that larger reality. But we will see that all of this has been anticipated by the message of the Bible. We’ll discover that each of us is both a pawn and a prize in a cosmic warfare – a hyper dimensional conflict between good and evil that will come to a climax soon….if God is good and created us, where did evil come from? Are demons simply super-hackers attempting to penetrate the gateways of the software we call ‘soul’ and ‘spirit?’
(2002, pg. x, Intro).
Life Review
The fact that the “real” us consists of software – not hardware – illustrates why it is so important to understand and believe that “we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body according to what he has done, whether good or bad” (2 Cor. 5:10).
In fact, there are some interesting accounts from unbelievers who claim their lives are “reviewed” by a superior being. It appears to be a form of “judgment” to them – sometimes just weeks prior to their deaths. These experiences seem to support that we aren’t “gone” once we die. Life continues after death albeit in a new form.
Eternal Electromagnetic Fields
Because of the true nature of our eternal state, we all need to “get our act together” today – ASAP! It would be wise not to put it off for even one moment longer. Even if our bodies are cremated or destroyed we will still likely face a “life review” concerning all that we have done, said, and thought. The Old Testament prophet, Daniel, says it this way:
Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt (Dan. 12:2).
Remember, the real “you” or “I” does not consist of just a body. We are still alive in those electromagnetic fields – in our “souls.” So we all need a Savior who will rescue us from the effects of our earthly sins and who will raise us up from death. Those who believe in the lordship and redemptive powers of Yeshua are promised decay-free bodies and sinless personalities in a future new universe. Cool!
DNA Blueprints in the Book of Life?
In addition, many intelligent people suspect that our own personal DNA may be the blueprint that God uses to resurrect all of us – some to eternal life and others to eternal existence without God. Many even theorize that it is our DNA records that are written in the “book of life” (see Revelation 20:12 and Daniel 12:1).
DNA Body-Blueprints plus Software equals “You”
In fact, all God needs to resurrect us is our “information.” The factors that make each of us unique are our DNA records supplemented with memories, thoughts and learning experiences – a type of software program combined with our original DNA prototype. In other words, it is the combining of our DNA “blueprints” with our personality “software” that makes us uniquely ourselves.
This is Resurrection
This is what God will raise in the resurrection of mankind. However, the resurrected bodies of Christians will be minus the decaying and sin “genes” that hinder us today.
Even our minds will be “transformed” and “renewed.” We will be as God originally made us in the Garden of Eden – productive, happy creatures who love our creator and live with joy and purpose.
Digital, Error-Correcting, Self-Replicating Code
Let’s explore just a little more about our body blueprints: DNA is nucleic acid that carries genetic information in each cell of living things. It is like the master computer that gives instructions to each part of the cell. DNA is a digital, error-correcting, and self-replicating code. This is fantastic! Currently, humans cannot yet create computers that give birth to baby computers who have billions of internal, self-regulating processes that are able to “heal” themselves!
Furthermore, it is fascinating to know that the entire DNA of six billion humans only take up the space of two or three little aspirin tablets! (Eareckson Tada 1995, 37). Therefore, it certainly should not be difficult for God to retain our DNA records in the “book of life” (Rev. 20:12 & Daniel 12:1).
DNA Kinds
Cloning is the process of using DNA technology to produce exact copies of living organisms. Yet, think of it: In just two sentences God already told us that DNA blueprints exist for all biological life forms – right in the beginning of the Bible. He said,
“Let the earth produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that crawl, and the wildlife of the earth according to their kinds. And it was so. So God made the wildlife of the earth according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and creatures that crawl on the ground according to their kinds” (Genesis 1:24-25, HCSB).
In two sentences the Bible uses the word “kinds” five times! Do you think God was underscoring the point that creatures have internal “blueprints” that allow them to reproduce only after themselves?
Eve Cloned from Adam?
Finally, when God made Eve he caused “a deep sleep to come over the man, and he slept” (anesthesia). God took one of his ribs and closed the flesh at that place (sutures). Then the LORD God made the rib He had taken from the man into a woman (cloning?) and brought her to the man. And the man said:
This one, at last is bone
of my bone,
and flesh of my flesh.
This one will be called woman,
for she was taken from man.
(Genesis 2:21-23, HCSB)
It doesn’t take much imagination to surmise that this ancient description of “surgery” was a form of “cloning” of the woman – fashioned from the original male. Fascinating!
DNA Blueprints for Pets?
Happily, it is the existence of DNA and the existence of cloning techniques that convince me it is entirely possible that God may resurrect our favorite pets, too.
Physics, Information Tech, DNA and Cloning Make Resurrection Plausible
At any rate, it is a pleasure to realize that the science of physics, information technology, DNA and cloning make it understandable and scientifically plausible, from our point of view, for God to recreate our Christian relatives, friends, and even our pets in a new world within the new heavens created for believers (see Revelation 21 & 22). We will all be what we were meant to be from the beginning! Hallelujah!
As for me, I know that
my Redeemer lives,
And at the last He will take
His stand on the earth.
Even after my skin is
Yet from my flesh I shall
see God,
whom I myself shall
And whom my eyes shall
see and not another.
(Job 19:25-27, NASB)
Genome scientist finds God. 2006. Koinonia House eNews. 20 June.
van Lommel, Pim. About the continuity of our consciousness. Available from:
Missler, Chuck. 1999. Cosmic codes. Coeur d’Alene, ID: Koinonia House.
— 2002. Learn the Bible in 24 hours. Nashville, TN: Nelson.
Rhodes, Ron. 2007. Intelligent design: quick reference guide. Eugene, OR: Harvest House.
Tada, Joni Eareckson. 1995. Heaven. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
Tipler, Frank J. 2007. The physics of Christianity. New York: Doubleday.
Author: Valorie Mays Emilio holds an MA in History from UCLA specializing in Christian origins, and a V.O.M. Certificate in Persecuted Church Ministries from Oklahoma Wesleyan University.