Angels – Personal Experience.

Q. Love your articles about angels! Do you have any personal experience with these entities?


Yes. As a matter of fact, both my husband and I do.

Accompanying Death Angels

When my husband’s dear father was dying of cancer, Johnny often spoke about a small, dark man with a turban on his head standing next to his bed. Johnny identified this man as his “angel.”

In addition, when my own father was just several months from dying, he emphatically claimed that “I” was sitting on the corner of his bed in his hospital room, keeping him company and comforting him. But, the truth is I was living a long ways from my dad in another state!

How do I explain that?

Celestial Angelic Doubles

This may be like “celestial angelic doubles” referenced in Acts 12.
Logos Bible Software editor, Michael S. Heiser, Ph.D. explains,

After an angel frees Peter from prison and execution, Peter goes to the house of his fellow believers (12:6-10). Those inside don’t believe the servant girl’s report that he is at the door. They reply, ‘It is his angel!’ (12:15). This statement testifies to the early Christian belief that humans had angels who acted as a kind of celestial double – attached to a person for their welfare.(Heiser, “My Guardian Angel,” Bible Study Magazine, Jan. 2012).

My Prom Angel-Double

Another “angel double” experience occurred when I was just 16 years old, eleven years before I became a Christian.

My talented grandmother had designed and sewed a beautiful, unique prom dress for me. Sadly, before the prom grandma was killed in a violent car accident. At the same time I broke-up with my prom date too late to find another partner. So I sat alone and depressed at home on my prom night with my lovely dress still hanging in the closet.

Handmade Gown Described in Detail

The following Monday morning after the weekend prom a fellow student approached me. She told me how lovely I looked at the prom in the beautiful beige-pink princess-style dress with a lace bodice along the front. Shocked, I told her I had stayed home alone.

Jan looked at me incredulously and continued to describe the prom dress in perfect, accurate detail. She said I sat alone by the band with my hair uniquely styled and curled.

In fact, Jan was so upset by my denial that she found an English professor who told me he had also seen me and spoken to me at the prom!

How do I explain that incident? My prom dress was still wrapped and hanging in my closet two days later. I had traveled nowhere in an unconscious state.

New Age or Angelic?

This occurred in the mid sixties when New Age beliefs in “astral projection” or such things were popular. Not yet a Christian, I had no other way to explain the incident.

Today I might tell you that my “angel” wore grandma’s dress to the prom perhaps out of proper respect for grandma’s hard work and lovely talent. Or maybe the Lord wanted to honor my cancelled prom date who was a Christian believer – by presenting “me” at the prom fittingly alone. After all, he was a pivotal person in my life, one of the Lord’s “seed planters” (1 Cor. 3:6), the first person to introduce me to the “real” Jesus Christ.

Who knows? I’m sure that someday I’ll find out…

But, what about you? Do you have any personal experiences with “angels?”

Please share them with us. We’d love to hear from you.

Recommended Resources:

Missler, Chuck. 2012. Angels. Volumes 1 & 2. (DVD, CD, MP4). Coeur d’Alene, ID: Koinonia House.

Rhodes, Ron. 1994. Angels among us. Eugene, OR: Harvest House.