Just this past week at work a Christian schoolteacher handed my cousin a journal for the education of children. It contained information about teachers indoctrinating your children with books and artwork that maybe you don’t want your kids to see. Check this out:
Journal for Educating Young Children
Today I hold in my hands the “Journal of the National Association for the Education of Young Children.” It is dated May, 2007.
Page 24 cheerfully presents this topic:
“Missing! Picture Books Reflecting Gay and Lesbian Families: Make the Curriculum Inclusive for All Children.”
I quote…
“Picture books depicting children in households headed by gays and lesbians or in families with homosexual members or friends are frequently missing from many preschool and primary classrooms as well as libraries…”
A List of Books to Brainwash Our Children
Then the article proceeds to recommend books for Math, Science, Social Studies, and Art which contain materials and artwork that promote acceptance and exposure to alternative homosexual lifestyles and gay marriages to your children.
Is this what we pay taxes for? Do we pay schoolteachers to teach your kids about same sex marriages? Do we want our children learning about Adam and Steve rather than Adam and Eve?
The recommended math book “highlights the numbers 1 through 20 and features multiracial gay and lesbian parents in a variety of settings without mentioning family structure” (pg. 27).
The recommended science book shows “Two male Chinstrap penguins in New York City’s Central Park Zoo…Baby Tango was the first penguin in the zoo with two daddies…” (pg. 27).
The Social Studies recommendation has a child mentioning her “two mommies, who both have green thumbs” (pg. 28).
The Art book reveals a poor child who is “hesitant about displaying his carefully made Mother’s Day card picturing his two moms sharing a book with him” (pg. 29).
Who is Brainwashing Whom?
Really! Now, you tell me: Just who is brainwashing whom?
Isn’t it interesting that the church is berated and ridiculed for teaching children about God. Yet, it’s OK for your schools to teach children that anal sex and same sex partners is a decent practice and lifestyle. (Never mind the bacterial onslaught upon the human body and diseases like AIDS, or the psychological damage upon youngsters in deviant homes).
Is this Age Appropriate?
I don’t know about you, but I didn’t care about sex at age 5 or 6. Did you? I wanted to ride my bike, skate, and watch Popeye cartoons.
The discussion of age-appropriate materials may be one of the issues here, not just brainwashing kids and teaching them deviant lifestyles.
I suggest that we demand age-appropriate books and learning content for our children. If the schools can’t give it, then we need to pull our kids out of the public schools and teach them ourselves! It’s called “home schooling.”
I strongly suggest you consider it.
Source Cited:
YC young children, naeyc, Journal of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. www.naeyc.org. Ph. (800) 424-2460, ext. 2002. 1313 L Street, NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005-4191.