Here we go again..Xmas & Chanukah

ere we go again.. Xmas & Chanukah
Pastor Ron Timen

It’s that Time Again!

Here we go again?! What should I get him/her? What would they like? What do they want? What do they need? What gift would be just right for them?

The Gift of Friendship?

I can’t really help you with suggestions for the clothing, jewelry, or perfume realm. I can, however, offer some ideas on an awesome gift suggestion. How about the gift of your friendship? That’s right (ya heard it!!) .

Gift of Yourself

Give the gift of yourself this Christmas season. It’s so easy to get caught up with the distraction of shopping and worrying about how we’ll cover all those credit card charges.


What’s still the priority for our lives? Relationships! Yes- they’re often messy but they’re worth the trouble. They’re worth making time for.

Two Sisters Story

Remember the story of the two sisters that had company coming over for dinner? One of their guests was pretty famous and important. When all the guests arrived, including this special guest, one of the sisters worked frantically to finish all the preparations for the meal. The other sister didn’t help out in the kitchen but spent her time in conversation with the guest.

The first sister was ticked off and tried to get their Guest to agree with her complaint. Instead, He commended the second sister. In essence, He told her that developing friendships/relationships deserves a high priority in our everyday lives. He said there is really only one thing worth being concerned about.

Friendship Lessons

Here are some “friendship lessons” we can learn from Yeshua’s visit with Mary and Martha:

Finally, here’s a wonderful Celtic Christmas prayer:

Child of Glory, Child of Mary
Born in the stable, the King of all
You came to our wasteland,
in our place suffered
Draw near to us who to You call
Bless to us this day of joy,
Open to us heaven’s generous gates
Strengthen our hope, Revive our tired souls
‘Til we sing the joys of Your glory
With all the angels of heaven.

Happy Chanukah &
Merry Christmas!!

In His Love,
Pastor Ron & Jan