Jesus an Alien in a UFO?

Jesus an Alien in a UFO?

Q.My boyfriend thinks Jesus was an alien who was beamed up in a UFO after he was resurrected. What should I tell him? (E.R. & CJ from Boston)


Jesus was an Historical Figure

Jesus was a real, historical figure noted in ancient history books such as Josephus’ writings – a first-century historian, and in other historical writings. Furthermore, there were over 300 written prophecies from the Old Testament that are proved to be dated at least one hundred years before Jesus lived. These are prophecies concerning astonishing details about the life and miracles of Christ. (This dating was scientifically proved after the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947).

Ancient Prophecies about Jesus

For example,

– Psalm 22 gives details about the crucifixion of Jesus.

– That none of his bones would be broken is found as early as Exodus 12:46 – probably written more than 1500 years before Christ.

– That the Holy One would be called out of Egypt is found in Hosea 11:1.

– He would be betrayed by just “30 pieces of silver” is found in Zechariah 11:12-13.

(I can’t list them all here because there are over 300 prophecies).

Exact date of Messiah’s Existence & Death

The precise, exact date of the life and death of the Messiah is found in Daniel 9:25-26. Note that the book of Daniel was written around 600 B.C. (long before Christ). This book states there would be exactly 173,880 days from a decree to rebuild the temple and Jerusalem until the Messiah would enter Jerusalem and be killed.

From historical accounts we know that a king named Cyrus did, in fact, command the Jewish temple be rebuilt on a specfic date that is recorded in history – and that date fits precisely with the prediction of the day Jesus entered Jerusalem and was “cut off” or killed (Anderson – reprinted from 1957 in 2000, 121).


Furthermore, there are thousands of Greek manuscripts and testimonies from martyrs revealing that over 500 eyewitnesses saw Jesus after his death. Ask your boyfriend if he would deliberately die a painful death as a martyr for something he “knows” is a lie?

I doubt it.

It is clear that the early Christian martyrs absolutely knew they had seen Jesus alive after He was crucified – and they willingly died for their knowledge and their testimony. This is just one more bit of evidence that Jesus was truly resurrected.

Jesus an Alien?

If your boyfriend defines an “alien” as something or someone foreign to earth, then I agree that we have been visited numerous times by aliens.

Certainly “angels” would fit a loose definition of aliens. Demons also fit that definition. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit to learn that there are life forms from other places in the universe, either. Colossians 1:16 says,

“For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things have been created through Him and for Him” (NASB).

Who was Jesus?

The question is: Who was Jesus?

It is much easier to believe Jesus was and is who He said He was in history, than to believe in UFOs and aliens and things like crop circles made by extra-terrestials. Why? because there is “real” proof that you can look at and study.

A Visited Planet

The truth is much more awesome than science fiction… God planted Himself in the womb of a virgin and visited this planet. God became a man to experience and share our joys and grief and death.

As the famous author, C.S. Lewis says, “We are a visited planet.” God lived among us – that’s what “Emmanuel” means. He was born, lived out a hard, tough life in first-century Jerusalem, performed lots of miracles to prove his origin, died a real death – and then was resurrected with a real, supernatural body which appeared through walls and utilized thought-transport among other things.

The amazing thing is this: By His death and resurrection He showed us that we, too, will follow His lead and be resurrected! The real question for you is will you go with Him? If you believe in the Lordship and redemptive power of Jesus Christ, you will be saved (1 Cor. 15:1-4).

This certainly beats “cloning,” aliens or UFOs, doesn’t it?

“Beam me up, Lord” (1 Thess. 4:17):

“Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air..” (ESV).


Suggested References:

Anderson, Sir Robert. 1957 reprinted in 2000. The coming prince. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel.

Missler, Chuck and Dr. Mark Eastman. 1997. Alien encounters: The secret behind the UFO phenomenon. Coeur d’Alene, ID: Koinonia House. Available from:

Ross, Hugh. 1996. Beyond the cosmos. Colorado Springs: NavPress.

Tipler, Frank J. 2007. The physics of Christianity. New York: Doubleday.

Authors Valorie Emilio holds an M.A. in History from UCLA having specialized in early church history. Ken received his M.A. in Biblical Studies from Louisiana Baptist University.